Left     File     Command     Options     Right                                                   
╔◂═ /etc ═══════════════════════════════════•[▾]▸╗╔◂═ ...skin-sampler/mockup/demo-colors-dir ═•[▾]▸╗
║▾n        Name                   Name          ║║▾n          Name            Size  Modify time ║
║/..                    │/chromium-browser       ║║/..                        │UP--DIR│Feb  1 14:17║
║/ImageMagick-6         │/console-setup          ║║~link-to-dir               │      8│Feb  1 14:17║
║/NetworkManager        │/cron.d                 ║║/test-dir                  │   4096│Feb  1 14:17║
║/PackageKit                                                                         0Feb  1 14:17║
║/UPower         ╔═════════════════════════════ Copy ═════════════════════════════╗  7Feb  1 19:30║
║/X11            ║ Copy directory "X11" with source mask:                         ║  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/acpi          *                                                          [^] 0Feb  1 14:17║
║/alternatives   ║                                [x] Using shell patterns        ║  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/apache2        ║ to:                                                            ║ 14Feb  1 14:17║
║/apm           kup/demo-colors-dir/                                       [^] 0Feb  1 19:30║
║/apparmor       ╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/apparmor.d     ║ [ ] Follow links               [ ] Dive into subdir if exists  ║  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/apport        [x] Preserve attributes        [ ] Stable symlinks             ║  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/apt            ╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/avahi          ║               [< OK >] [ Background ] [ Cancel ]               ║  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/bash_completio ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝  0Feb  1 14:17║
║/binfmt.d                                                                           0Feb  1 14:17║
║/bluetooth             │/firefox                ║║ unhandled-1.file          │      0│Feb  1 14:17║
║/ca-certificates       │/fish                   ║║ unhandled-2.file          │      0│Feb  1 14:17║
║/calendar              │/fonts                  ║║                           │       │            ║
║/chatscripts           │/gconf                  ║║                           │       │            ║
╟────────────────────────────────────────────────╢╟──────────────── 0 B in 2 files ────────────────╢
║/X11                         │   4096│drwxr-xr-x║║UP--DIR                                         ║
╚══════════════════════════════ 3757M/33G (11%) ═╝╚══════════════════════════════ 3757M/33G (11%) ═╝
Hint: Want your plain shell? Press C-o, and get back to MC with C-o again.                          
mooffie@mooffie-desktop:~$                                                                       [^]
 1Help     2Menu     3View     4Edit     5Copy     6RenMov   7Mkdir    8Delete   9PullDn  10Quit