size-calculator.lua [B---] 37 L:[ 46+17 63/124] *(1762/3363b) 0097 0x061 [↕][✕] 46 47 -- Shows the dialog. 48 -- 49 -- Possible 'opts': use_coma, add_other_panel. 50 -- 51 local function show_dialog(total, opts) 52 53 local fmt = function(n) return opts.use_comma and locale.format_number(n) or n end 54 local r = utils.text.round 55 * 56 local dlg = ui.Dialog(T"Size calculator") 57 58 dlg:add(ui.HBox{expandx=true}:add( 59 ui.Space{expandx=true}, -- The purpose of the two expanded Space widgets at 60 -- both sides is to horizontally center the groupboxes. 61 ui.Groupbox(T"1024 based"):add( 62 ui.Label(T"%s bytes":format(fmt(total))), 63 ui.Label(T"%s KiB":format(fmt(math.ceil(total / 1024)))), 64 ui.Label(T"%s MiB":format(fmt(r╔══════════╗4 / 1024, 2)))), 65 ui.Label(T"%s GiB":format(fmt(r║ marked ║4 / 1024 / 1024, 2)))) 66 ), ║ midnight ║ 67 ui.Groupbox(T"1000 based (SI)"):a║ mark ║ 68 ui.Label(T"%s bytes":format(fmt║ media ║ 69 ui.Label(T"%s kB":format(fmt(ma╚══════════╝l / 1000)))), -- "kB" is no spelling mista 70 ui.Label(T"%s MB":format(fmt(r(total / 1000 / 1000, 2)))), 71 ui.Label(T"%s GB":format(fmt(r(total / 1000 / 1000 / 1000, 2)))) 72 ), 73 ui.Space{expandx=true} 1Help 2Save 3Mark 4Replac 5Copy 6Move 7Search 8Delete 9PullDn 10Quit