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╔═══════════════════════╗═══════════════════•[▾]▸╗╔◂═ ...skin-sampler/mockup/demo-colors-dir ═•[▾]▸╗
║ File listing    Size  Modify time ║║▾n          Name            Size  Modify time Quick view       C-x q║   │UP--DIR│Oct 31 14:00║║/..                        │UP--DIR│Feb  1 14:17║
 Info             C-x i   │   4096│Oct 12 22:27║║~link-to-dir               │      8│Feb  1 14:17║
Tree                  ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:30║║/test-dir                  │   4096│Feb  1 14:17║
╟───────────────────────╢   │   4096│Oct 12 22:30║║ archive.tar.gz                  0Feb  1 14:17Listing mode...       ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║!broken-link                     7Feb  1 19:30Sort order...         ║   │   4096│Oct 24 22:38║║ core.123456                     0Feb  1 14:17Filter...             ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║ image.png                       0Feb  1 14:17Encoding...      M-e  ║   │  12288│Dec 28 19:12║║ media-file.ogg                  0Feb  1 14:17╟───────────────────────╢   │   4096│Oct 25 01:43║║@normal-link                    14Feb  1 14:17║ FTP link...           ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:26║║|pipe-file                       0Feb  1 19:30║ Shell link...         ║   │   4096│Oct 24 22:43║║ selected-file-1                 0Feb  1 14:17║ SFTP link...          ║   │   4096│Oct 31 14:00║║ selected-file-2                 0Feb  1 14:17║ Panelize              ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║*shell.sh                        0Feb  1 14:17╟───────────────────────╢   │   4096│Oct 29 22:06║║ source.c                        0Feb  1 14:17Rescan           C-r  ║   │   4096│Oct 12 22:30║║ sqlite.db                       0Feb  1 14:17╚═══════════════════════╝   │   4096│Nov  4 15:36║║ temp-file.bak                   0Feb  1 14:17║
║/binfmt.d                  │   4096│Oct  2 11:33║║ text.txt                        0Feb  1 14:17║
║/bluetooth                 │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║ unhandled-1.file          │      0│Feb  1 14:17║
║/ca-certificates           │   4096│Oct 12 22:26║║ unhandled-2.file          │      0│Feb  1 14:17║
║/calendar                  │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║                           │       │            ║
║/chatscripts               │   4096│Oct 12 22:28║║                           │       │            ║
╟────────────────────────────────────────────────╢╟──────────────── 0 B in 2 files ────────────────╢
║/X11                         │   4096│drwxr-xr-x║║UP--DIR                                         ║
╚══════════════════════════════ 3757M/33G (11%) ═╝╚══════════════════════════════ 3757M/33G (11%) ═╝
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